Cis Refresh

Newark, NJ

At the Rodino Federal Building, roughly one thousand people a day enter the Naturalization Ceremony Room, or Liberty Hall, to celebrate the moment of being sworn in as a United States citizen. To assist making the space worthy of this important occasion, DCM designed and built a new stage, ADA ramp, and podium in front of a custom made wood mural backdrop depicting the Statue of Liberty. The scope also included carpet replacement, painting, new ceiling, new kitchenettes, electrical modifications, new light fixtures and other minor build-outs for the Citizen and Immigration Service offices. As an occupied space, the work had to be done at night, in phases. DCM was responsible for moving each group into the swing space, and then back for each of the nine phases.



Client: US General Services Administration (GSA Region 2)
Year(s): 2017 – 2018
Location: Newark, NJ
Project Area: 30,000 SQ FT
Project Type: Renovation
Role: Design-Build Contractor, Architect, Engineer, Self-Performed


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