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The Science and Resource Management Building was commissioned by the National Park Service to house the research unit managing the Grand Canyon’s botanical and zoological resources. It has research laboratories, conference rooms, kitchenette, a two-story open office, and private offices for research scientists and administrative staff. To achieve LEED Platinum certification, the design incorporates a series of passive solar strategies. In the winter, the windows, with a higher solar heat gain coefficient, allow natural light to heat the interior, while the roof overhangs prevent excessive solar heat gain during the warmer months. The new addition and designed an extra floor to house a larger cafeteria to serve 400 students as well as a media library. This allowed the school to offer extra-curricular art and sporting activities. The renovated academic spaces in the original building received new modern infrastructure, energy efficient lighting and new equipment. Although the building grew, due to the energy efficiency improvements, the gas consumption was reduced! Another DCM engineering success!
Client: Civil Design & Engineering, Inc./ National Park Service
Year(s): 2010 – 2012
Location: Grand Canyon National Park, AZ
Project Area: 8,800 SQ FT
Project Type: New Construction
Role: Architect, Mechanical and Electrical Designer, Plumbing Engineer, LEED Consultant
339 N Front St
NJ 08102
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